Hebrew Theological College
A member of the Touro College and University System

Semester, Year: Spring, 2024
Course Title: Principles of Marketing
Course Number: BUSH 311
CRN:  14912
Course Credit Hours: 3
Location:/Time: Hybrid Online, Monday, 5:30 - 6:50
Instructor: Mrs. Goldberg
Office Hours: zoom, by appointment

Required Texts:
Title:  Marketing:   An Introduction, 14th edition
Authors:  Armstrong, Gary and Kotler, Philip
ISBN:  9780135192122  (for the Connect version)
If you choose to use the Connect(online), please register using these instructions.
You may also purchase or rent any other version of the text.  Here are some isbns for the different versions.

Conceptual Framework

“To Learn, To Teach, To Observe, and To Do.”
The student should be a Critical Thinker, Effective Communicator, Proactive Educator, and Moral Practitioner.

Course Description
The marketing system by which products and services are planned, priced, promoted and distributed.  Attention is given to major policies that underlie activities of market institutions and the economic social implications of these policies.


Course Components and Assignments:

Class time: Class time will include lecture, business case short videos and class discussion, and also supervision and help on your team assignments.

Business Case Assignments:    We will apply the concepts covered in the lectures to either your Project or to external business cases that explore relevant marketing issues.   Your team will be required to read the business case and answer specific questions.

Marketing Plan and Project Milestones:  A important focus of this course is on developing a Marketing Plan.  Marketing Plan Project Milestones apply what we've learned to your team's marketing plan.  The milestones will become incremental building blocks in your marketing plan, concretizing the marketing concepts of the lectures and business cases. Each milestone will cover one or more section(s) of your marketing plan.

Project Presentation and Report: At the end of the semester, you will present your marketing plan to the class.  Guidelines for the presentation will be discussed in class and posted on Canvas and on this syllabus. You will also prepare a report including your project milestones, incorporating any feedback that I give you during the semester as well as any additional sections and an Executive Summary.

Details of the assignments are linked in the Course Schedule and/or posted on Canvas.

Evaluation and Grading Procedures

The course has a total of 1035 points.  It is graded on the basis of 1000 points. 
There are 35 extra points built into the course.  No further extra credit is available.

Course Component
Points per Item
Total Points
Business Cases (11)
Project Milestones (6)
Final Project Presentation

Final Project Report

Participation/Discussion (Zoom lectures)

Preparation/Participation Project Team meetings


A+ 97
A 93
A- 90
B+ 87
B 83
B- 80
C+ 77
C 73
C- 70
D+ 67
D 63


Week Activities
  • Ch. 12:  Promotion:  Advertising and Public Relations  PPTs
    • Focus on Sections 12. - 12.3
  • Ch. 13, section 4:  Sales Promotion PPTs    (includes 13.4 and also Chapter 14 ppts)
  • Project Milestones #4 and #5, due today before class
  • Project Milestone #6--incorporate into Final Report
  • Project Work
  • Include sections of Chapter 14 (PPTS) (online place and promotion) and Chapter 15 (PPTS) (Global considerations) as appropriate for your product/service

*Schedule is subject to change.
Attendance and Participation
1. Students are required to attend, be prepared for, and actively participate in all classes.
2. Students are required to attend all classes. In the case of absences, a student must communicate with instructor immediately via email.
3. Students absent for over 25% of scheduled classes will have their final grade lowered by one letter grade.
4. Students absent for over 50% of scheduled classes will receive an F (failure) in the course.

Incomplete Policy-- Crisis Management
This is available ONLY to students with extreme and/or extenuating circumstances who
1. have completed 50% or more of the required course work.
2. have a grade of “C” or better on completed work.
3. request the “Incomplete” prior to the week of final examinations of the semester.
4. complete and submit an “Incomplete Contract” prior to final examinations.

The “Incomplete Contract” must be signed by the course instructor and the Dean. Non-compliance by agreed date will result in a permanent grade of FI (Failure/Incomplete).

Academic Integrity
Hebrew Theological College is committed to providing an academic community and learning environment based on honest inquiry and pursuit of knowledge that fosters commitment and adherence to Judaic tenets. The faculty and administration of Hebrew Theological College have specified the following acts as serious violations of personal honesty and academic ideals that jeopardize the quality of education within a Torah environment:

* Submitting as one’s own, material copied from a published source.
* Submitting as one’s own, another person’s unpublished work or examination material.
* Submitting as one’s own, a rewritten or paraphrased version of another person’s work.
* Purchasing, acquiring, and using for course credit a pre-written paper.
* Allowing another to write or research a paper for one’s own benefit.
* Copying electronic or printed media for one’s own use without permission or licensing from appropriate publishers.
* Submitting the same paper for more than one course without explicit permission from the instructor(s).

More information about HTC’s Academic Integrity policy can be found on page 15 of the Student Handbook.

Any student, who, because of a disability, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make necessary accommodations and share appropriate documentation from the Office of Special Services, provided by HTC’s Disabilities Officer, Dr. Richard Aronoff.

Accommodations will be made, but the instructor must be aware of your needs in order to make proper accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to make these needs known in a timely fashion and to provide documentation prior to the beginning of any semester in which accommodations are desired.

Technology Policy
HTC bans the use of cell phones, computers and other devices for texting, web-browsing or other non-class related activities during class. This behavior may result in expulsion from the course after a single warning. Electronic devices may not be used during exams, and their use in class is subject to faculty discretion and permission. Only students with documented disabilities who must use such devices may request exemptions as documented.

Zoom Etiquette
Students are expected to exhibit the same level of decorum on Zoom as they would if they were in a physical classroom on campus. Dress in school appropriate clothing. Set up a place to work where you will not be disturbed. Remind your family that you are in class and not available. Stay in your designated work area for the duration class. Do not travel from one place to another. Your camera must be on for the entire class. Mute your microphone when you are not speaking. Breaks will be provided consistent with the class schedule. If you need to briefly leave class, send the instructor a note in chat.  Drinks and discrete light snacks are acceptable.

HTC Academic Resources
Hebrew Theological College is committed to providing all of our students with various resources and support for academic success. Tutorial services through the Writing Clinic, Math Center, and Hebrew Tutoring Center provide assistance in a variety of disciplines. Students should make arrangements to avail themselves of these services. Librarians at the Saul Silber Memorial Library are available to assist students with all their research needs. Students can find information about the library services and resources at http://htclibrary.weebly.com.

Mid-Semester Progress Reports
Mid-way through the semester, your instructor will evaluate your progress in this course and share this feedback with the deans. This information will be used for advising purposes. You can view the form at http://tinyurl.com/HTCMSPR.

HTC Course Evaluations
In order to help make the course evaluation process more convenient and ensure student privacy, you can now submit secure, anonymous course evaluations online via CAMPUS LABS (accessed through TouroOne). Your instructors will provide time in class to complete the form, but you can also fill it out on your own at any time. Your feedback will be shared with your instructors after grades have been turned in. Instructors are eager to know how they can improve and rely on your feedback as a central part of their professional development. This is your opportunity to express your thoughts about your experiences at Hebrew Theological College. Your voice matters.