BUSH 361
Summer, 2024

Day/Time: Online
Synchronous zoom Q & A available on Mondays 7:00
Required student team and individual work:  Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:20
Dates 6/24 - 8/08
Prerequisites: BUSH 206, BUSH 311 or consent of instructor.
Instructor: Mrs. Devorah Goldberg
email: devorah.goldberg@htc.edu   (currently not working)
debran.goldberg@gmail.com (until the htc email is working again)

There is a video to walk you through this syllabus.

Syllabus Index HTC Policies
Syllabus Index
Course Description Quizzes
Texts and Course Materials
Class Format, Attendance Course Schedule
Homework/Assignments Project
HTC Policies
Accommodations Attendance
Academic Integrity Incomplete Policy
Technology Policy HTC Resources
Course Evaluations Mid-semester Progress Reports
Course Description:

The use of Internet and Intranet technologies in developing and implementing business information systems. Legal, management, marketing and cost/benefit ramifications are discussed, and the technologies used in E-Commerce are introduced. Emphasis on making a business plan for an E-Commerce operation and creating an effective web presence. Prerequisite: BUSH 206, BUSH 311 or consent of instructor. (CAIH 361)

Course Objectives:

  1. Students will be introduced to the role of ecommerce in the current business environment
  2. Students will learn about the technological foundations for ecommerce systems
  3. Student will become cognizant of the terminology of ecommerce
  4. Students will be able to decisively and effectively apply the functional ramifications of ecommerce to business
  5. Students will be able to utilize their knowledge of ecommerce in a significant application

Course Materials: 

Course Format:

This course is an online course.  We have scheduled weekly Q & A sessions.   I will also require project team meetings at various points during the semester.  An announcement will be sent out when you have to sign up for a meeting. In addition, I am available by email and by zoom when you have questions or for additional help.

In addition, this is a Summer semester, which is much more condensed, and it requires much more intensive participation.  The due dates are flexible, but if you fall behind, it will be very difficult to catch up.

Homeworks/Assignments:  Assignments include:  Video questions; Content Discussions (which are sometimes textbook exercises or business cases); and Project Milestones.  All are team-based assignments applying specific concepts  covered in the text, lectures or supplementary videos and readings for that week.  Project Milestones apply what we've learned to the company that a team is exploring for the semester-long running project.  All assignments and their due dates are listed on the Course Schedule. 

DUE DATES!!!     Summer Semester is very intensive.  Therefore, I am flexible with the due dates.  It is strongly recommended that you complete the work for each module before beginning a subsequent module.  However, during the Summer, I am allowing all of the work except for the last two modules (the last week of class) to be due on 8/01.  This will allow you to use the last week to complete your project report, website design, and presentation.  However, I caution you not to use the flexible due dates as a reason to wait until the last minute to begin your work.  There is simply too much work to complete unless you work on the assignments continuously throughout the semester.  A regular semester is 15 weeks.  Summer is only 6 weeks, so most each week has 2 o 3 modules to complete.  In a normal semester, each module would be scheduled for an entire week!!!

Project:  Students will form teams to develop an ecommerce business plan for a real or fictional company.  As we progress through the course, teams are required to apply the concepts and techniques that we learn in class to the company that the team has selected.  This is achieved through Project Milestones, which are assignments that provide questions or instruct you with specific tasks in order to apply these concepts to your company.  Project Milestones are due as listed on the Course Schedule and on Canvas.  At the end of the semester, teams will present their projects to the class and also summarize their findings and recommendations in a report.  The final project presentation and report are in lieu of a final exam.

Quizzes:  There are quizzes for most modules.  They will be administered through Canvas.

Grading: The course is graded out of 1000 points.  Points for each course component is shown on the Course Schedule.

Course grades are assigned as follows:

A+ 97

Course Schedule:

The dates below give the sequence and a general idea of the time spent, though we may get ahead or behind this time schedule at different points, depending on the needs of the class.  Every attempt will be made to meet this timeline, and changes will be posted on Canvas.  Links for supporting documents and files, and submission links for assignments are on Canvas.  

Lecture videos will be posted on Canvas as they become available, and may also be added to the Course Schedule, below.



Topic or Component



6/28 - 7/03

Module 1

Intro to Ecommerce  




Reading              Ch. 1      Video









Evolution of Ecommerce




Amazon vs. Walmart




International Nature of Ecommerce




Introduction to Ecommerce




Content Discussion:  Value Chain




Quiz #1

Ch. 1




PM #1




6/28 - 7/03

Module 2

Technology Infrastructure




Reading                  Ch. 2  Video




Hubs, Routers, Switches and addressing on the Internet



                    Viewing                                                                                     Videos, no questions, but reference for Project


World Wide Web Crash Course




Understanding XML HTTP Requests




What is TCP/IP




Content Discussion:  Internet of Things




Fundamentals of the IoT




Quiz #2

Ch. 2



7/04 - 7/11

Module 3

Selling on the Web




Reading                      Ch. 3 Video





Videos, no questions, but reference for Project




Advertising Business Model




Ecommerce Revenue Models




Content Discussion:  Progressive Insurance Case, p. 155




Quiz #3

Ch. 3 




Reminder:  PM #1 DUE next week!



7/04 - 7/11

Module 4

The 4 P's




Reading                   Ch. 4 through p. 186   video (full Chapter 4)





Videos, no questions, but reference for Project




Market Segmentation




Consumer Shopping Behavior Online




Online Advertising




eMarketer Webinar Mobile Advertising




Content Discussion:




Buying behavior Online




Quiz #4

Ch. 4 through p. 186




PM #2


Focus:  Modules 2, 3, 4



7/04 - 7/11

Module 5

Marketing, continued




Reading            Ch. 4, p. 186 - end





Videos, no questions, but reference for Project




Search Engine Optimization (SEO)




Affiliate Marketing




Social Media Marketing




Automating Email Marketing




Create Sharable Content Online




Content Discussion:  Additional Marketing Techniques




Quiz #5



7/12 - 7/18

Module 6





Reading             Ch. 5





Videos, no questions, but reference for Project




The EDI Order Process




What is an HRIS?




Comparing Suppy Chain and Value Chain




What is eGovernment?




E-estonia: the most advanced egovernment




Content Discussion:  Adding value through the supply chain




Quiz #6




Reminder:  PM #2 DUE next week!



7/12 - 7/18

Module 7

Social Networking and Mobile Commerce




Reading                  Ch. 6









Top 10 most popular social networking sites 2021




M-Commerce Channel




Main Auction Types




Grow your business with an online community




No Quiz this week




       Project Progress Report--project team zoom meetings


7/12 - 7/18

Module 8

 Legal, Ethical and Tax Issues




Reading                Ch. 7









Ecommerce Law

Ecommerce Taxation

Ethical Issues         Not a video, but a good discussion

                   Content Discussion:  Planning a Social Network Presence

                   Quiz #8


          PM #3





 Focus:  Modules 5, 6, 7



7/19 - 7/25

Module 9

 Web Server  Hardware and Software




 Reading               Ch. 8






Static vs. Dynamic Website:   user's perspective  (not a video, but a good discussion)

Client-side vs. Server-side Programming

Cloud Computing Explained

 Read about Cloud Computing

                     Content Discussion:  Cloud Computing

                     Reminder:  PM #3 due next week!


Quiz #9






7/19 - 7/25

Module 10                    Web Hosting and Ecommerce Software




 Reading                Ch. 9






What is web hosting?

Web hosting alternatives:  5 best free

Web hosting alternatives:  top 3 

How to choose an ecommerce platform

Wix vs. Squarespace vs. WordPress

What is an API?

                    Content Discussion:  Ecommerce Platforms:  Shopify?


                 Quiz #10








7/19 - 7/25

Module 11                    Security and Privacy





 Reading                Ch. 10






Common types of cyber attack

How to secure your ecommerce website

Privacy policy for ecommerce store

                    Content Discussion:  Ecommerce Security

                    Quiz #11


PM #4      Questions   (Questions include Final Report)






7/23 - 7/28

Module 12                   Ecommerce Payment Systems




                   Reading Ch. 11 PPTs


top 5 payment gateways (in his opinion)

10 "best" payment gateways (in his opinion)

What is blockchain and how does it work?

How to set up payments on Shopify

How to set up paymnets on Wix

What is a digital wallet?

                   Content Discussion:  Project Payment Systems


                 Quiz #12








7/23 - 7/28

Module 13











An itemized list of expenses for an ecommerce site:

How much does an ecommerce site cost?  (2022)

Cost Comparison:  WooCommerce and Shopify

           (and compare to WIX prices)

Cost Comparison:  different ecommerce project sizes

                     Content Discussion:  Project Payment Systems

                    Quiz #13


Reminder:  PM #4 due next week!



8/01 - 8/08

Module 14




                  Project Work--Build a prototype Website














8/01 - 8/08

Module 15





Final Project Presentation, Website, and Report




                  Final Project and Report questions are listed in the PM #4 assignment.




Total Points



HTC Policies

Attendance and Participation

For online, asynchronous classes, attendance does not apply.  However, you are expected to log into Canvas regularly, check your email, and respond to instructor's online instructions and requests for zoom meetings.

  1. Students are required to attend, be prepared for, and actively participate in all classes.
  2. Students are required to attend all classes. In the case of absences, a student must communicate with instructor immediately via email.
  3. Students absent for over 25% of scheduled classes will have their final grade lowered by one letter grade.
  4. Students absent for over 50% of scheduled classes will receive an F (failure) in the course.

Please note that without extenuating circumstances, this policy may not be changed by the instructor. If you have any problems or concerns, please see Dr. Tessler.

Academic Integrity

Hebrew Theological College is committed to providing an academic community and learning environment based on honest inquiry and pursuit of knowledge that fosters commitment and adherence to Judaic tenets. The faculty and administration of Hebrew Theological College have specified the following acts as serious violations of personal honesty and academic ideals that jeopardize the quality of education within a Torah environment:

More information about HTC’s Academic Integrity policy can be found on page 15 of the Student Handbook.


Any student, who, because of a disability, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make necessary accommodations and share appropriate documentation from the Office of Special Services, provided by HTC’s Disabilities Officer, Dr. Richard Aronoff.

Accommodations will be made, but instructors must be aware of your needs in order to make proper accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to make these needs known in a timely fashion and to provide documentation prior to the beginning of any semester in which accommodations are desired.

Incomplete Policy-- Crisis Management

This is available ONLY to students with extreme and/or extenuating circumstances who

  1.  have completed 50% or more of the required course work.
  2.  have a grade of "C" or better on completed work.
  3.  request the "Incomplete" prior to the week of final examinations of the semester.
  4.  complete and submit an "Incomplete Contract" prior to final examinations.
  5. The "Incomplete Contract" must be signed by the course instructor and the Dean. Non-compliance by agreed date will result in a permanent grade of FI (Failure/Incomplete).

Students who have not satisfactorily completed 50% of class assignments are not allowed to receive an incomplete grade. Students who do not have a grade of “C” or above average are not allowed an incomplete. Students must request an incomplete prior to the week of finals. The instructor may refuse an incomplete request. It is the student’s responsibility to request an Incomplete Form from the school office, have the form signed by the instructor, Dean, themselves, and return it to the instructor prior to the final. If the student fails to return the completed form to you when grades are due, the student is to receive the grade they would have received if they had not requested an incomplete. Instructors will define the amount of time allowed to complete the missing work, however, the time allowed cannot exceed 12 weeks after the end of the semester in which the incomplete was requested. If the student fails to remove the incomplete within 12 weeks, the grade will be recorded as an “IF,” meaning failure due to an incomplete. An “IF” will be counted as an “F” in the student’s GPA and will be part of the student’s permanent record.

Technology Policy

HTC bans the use of cell phones, computers and other devices for texting,

web-browsing or other non-class related activities during class. This behavior may result in expulsion from the course after a single warning. Electronic devices may not be used during exams, and their use in class is subject to faculty discretion and permission. Only students with documented disabilities who must use such devices may request exemptions as documented.

HTC Academic Resources

Hebrew Theological College is committed to providing all of our students with various resources and support for academic success. Tutorial services through the Writing Clinic, Math Center, and Hebrew Tutoring Center provide assistance in a variety of disciplines. Students should make arrangements to avail themselves of these services. Librarians at the Saul Silber Memorial Library are available to assist students with all their research needs. Students can find information about the library services and resources at http://htclibrary.weebly.com. 

 Mid-Semester Progress Reports

Mid-way through the semester, your instructor will evaluate your progress in this course and share this feedback with the deans. This information will be used for advising purposes. You can view the form at http://tinyurl.com/HTCMSPR.

 HTC Course Evaluations

In order to help make the course evaluation process more convenient and ensure student privacy, you can now submit secure, anonymous course evaluations online via LiveText! Your instructors will provide time in class to complete the form, but you can also fill it out on your own at any time. Your feedback will be shared with your instructors after grades have been turned in. Instructors are eager to know how they can improve and rely on your feedback as a central part of their professional development. This is your opportunity to express your thoughts about your experiences at Hebrew Theological College. Your voice matters.