Comp 377-001 (online)
COMP 477-001 (online)
Project Management
Spring, 2018 (Jterm)

Course #: COMP 377-001  1051
COMP 477-002  1052
Day/Time: Totally Online, Asychronous
Prerequisites: COMP 271 or COMP 251
Instructor: Dr. Channah Naiman
web page:
TA Yeah that's not happening.

Syllabus Index
Learning Objectives
Texts and Software Grades
Tutoring Programmng environment
Academic Honesty
Course Format, Attendance
Religious Holidays
Homework/Assignments Students with Disabilities
Course Schedule Important Dates

Course Description:  This course is an introduction to the philosophy and practice of project management. The course involves a student group project to investigate and plan a “real world” project. The investigation requires application of project-management tools covered in the class, including a project proposal that specifies project objectives, schedules, work breakdown structure, and responsibilities, an written interim report, and a final oral and written report. The course will likely include both business and computer science students working together on a student team.

Outcome:  Students will learn time management, work-flow management, and team dynamics to design, implement and test large-scale software projects.

Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives:

Textbook and Lab Text:



As of this writing, Sakai will be used for course announcements, homework submissions, and grade postings. It is your home page for the course.   While the raw scores posted on Sakai should be correct (although I have encountered some problems with that too!), please do not rely upon Sakai's Course Total calculations.  Grades are calculated as specified in this syllabus. .

Course Format:

This course is totally online, asynchronous course.  This means that there are no in-person scheduled sessions, and you can work on your own time.  The only exception may be the final project presentation, which may be presented over Adobe Connect.  This course is also a J-term course, with about 12 days to cover the material for the entire semester.  While I have streamlined the readings and assignments as much I could without compromising the curriculum, there is nevertheless more than one week of work that needs to be completed during every day of class.  

If you cannot commit to the time that is required for this kind of intense workload, you may want to consider taking the course another time.  You are also required to work with a team for many assignments and for a major semeser project.  This collaboration can also be done completely online.  Nevertheless, you must build into your time management the time needed to collaborate on assignments and Project Milestones with your team.   

The course is organized into an orientation module (which I recommend be completed before the semester begins), five learning modules and a post-course feedback module.  Each learning module contains 2-3 chapters, and lasts for 2-3 days.  In each module, there is some combination of quizzes, in-class assginment, discusison board assginment, video assignment,  lab assignment and a Project Miletstone.  Not every module has every type of assignment.  There are "module"  menu buttons on Sakai that help you navigate the module home page, where you can find everything htat you need for that module.


Reading Assignments and Quizzes:  There are  3 chapters per module, except for Module 5, which has 2 chatpers.  The quizzes are from the textbook, and their purpose is to  keep you up to date with the reading and make sure that you extract the important concepts.  The quizzes are individual assessments and may not be completed in collaboration with anyone else.

In-class Team Assignments:  These is a team-based assignment that is sometimes a text-based review of an important model, skill or concept.  You will generally collaborate wih your team to work on the problem, or discuss the scenario being presented.  Your team will then submit the final answers.

Video Assignments:  There are two video assignments (aside from Orientation).  They are in Modules 1 and 5.  Their purpose is to provide a concrete aplication of the  concepts in the chapter.  There are also several other vidoes, which are often reviews of techniques and models that I found online.  Occasionally a video will also be part of your in-class team assignment.  All assignments are clearly listed in the Module  page.  There are no "lecture videos" as there were in COMP 453, for those students who have taken that class with me.  For a J-term class, I felt that this would simply take too much of your very limited time.

Labs:  These are hands-on exercises from the lab text in MS Project, and they are very easy to complete:  simply follow the step-by-step instructions in the lab text.

Programming Environment:  Campus Network, Rights and Responsibilities

As a user of the campus network, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities in

Much of your work will be done on your laptop, or, if you can't install MS Project on your laptop, on a virtual machine that I will provide for you.  So I don't think there will be an issue with saving your work.  However, if you use the University computers, be sure to save your work, in the cloud, on a flash drive, or wherever you can easily access it. If you use both computer lab machines and other machines, or just share with a partner, you will want to take all of your files with you. You can use a flash drive, Google Drive, Mercurial and BitBucket, Box, or, in a pinch, send an email to yourself or your partners wtih attachments.

Academic Honesty:

The penalty for cheating may be anywhere from a 0 on an assignment to a grade of "F" in this course. The appropriate dean will be informed in writing of any cheating incidents. No exceptions, for any reason.

Cheating consists of, but is not limited to:

Help from any source is fine concerning

Exams/Quizzes:  There are no exams.  There are quizzes on Sakia for each chapter that is covered in claass.   Each quiz has 10 objective questions on the chapter.


Religious Holidays:

Students with religious holiday conflicts:  Please let me know within the first two days of class if you have a religious holiday conflict with any exam or homework due date, so that we can plan on an accommodation.

Students with Disabilities:  If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (773-508-3700 and as soon as possible.  Students with documented disabilities who provide me with a letter from the SSWD office will be fully accommodated as per the terms of the letter.  Students who are allowed to take their exams in the SSWD office are encouraged to do so.  If you choose not to do so, I cannot be responsible for the environment in which you will be tested.

Students with Sponsorships and Scholarships:  If you require a certain grade in order to satisfy a sponsor or a scholarship requirement, please be sure to monitor your grade on Sakai.  I will consider only your performance in this course in calculating grades, using the grading rubric posted in this syllabus.  If you cannot achieve a minimum grade that is required by a sponsor or a scholarship, I will not change your grade to help you meet that requirement.  This would be unfair to other students, and not reflecive of your performance in this course.  You are reponsible to monitor your grade and to keep apprised of the withdrawal dates posted by the registrar.


Points Matrix

Course grades are assigned as follows:

Course Schedule: Assignments are to  be turned in on the date where they are listed below as due, generally by 11:55PM.

Course Schedule

Important Dates:

academic calendar